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WORDS FROM THE MYTHS by Isaac Asimov Kirkus Star


by Isaac Asimov

Pub Date: Feb. 27th, 1961
ISBN: 0451166868
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Isaac Asimov has organized a large portion of Greek mythology around a specific theme, the effect of mythological words and phrases on our language. Derivations of hundreds of words in daily use are surrounded by enchanting stories that will fascinate the young reader. The first several chapters deal with the Greek Gods, the Titans and their conquerors the Olympians, and the Demigods and Monsters. The Heroes, offspring of gods and humans, and the general mythological treatment of men, follow. The myth, interesting in itself, is used as reference to illustrate a particular word or concept in English. A concluding index helps unravel a skein of information. This is a generally enlivening approach to mythology.