Stone Fish delivers a scorching denunciation of U.S. leaders who serve Chinese interests.
As the author, who lived in China for six years while writing for Newsweek, notes, Henny Kissinger’s principal activities over the last 40 years have centered on representing the Chinese government’s interests in the West: “The most accurate way to describe Kissinger…is as an agent of Chinese influence.” Kissinger does this in various ways, such as serving on the international advisory council of the China Development Bank. But the Chinese Communist Party calls on him more as a go-to fix-it guy. For example, following American efforts to force China into accepting Taiwan as an independent state, Kissinger called on Washington to ask them “to move in the direction of improving relations with China.” However, Kissinger is not alone in the corps of “diplomat consultants” who have earned lucrative contracts by arguing for such improved relations, which, the author notes, also serves them well in China in helping open doors to American companies there, allowing these consultants to play on a two-way street. One sector that did not do well, historically, was Hollywood, which earned low box-office numbers in China for years after daring to release two films about the Dalai Lama, Kundun and Seven Years in Tibet. As a result, Disney in particular suffered, but they sent Kissinger, hat in hand, to beg pardon, opening the way to a Disneyland in Hong Kong and the Chinese government’s allowing 20 foreign films into the country instead of the previous 10. In 1998, China produced only as much revenue for Disney as Peru, “and yet Disney still capitulated. It knew which way the winds were blowing.” Whether in academia or business, China has exerted so much influence, Stone Fish concludes, that American elites exercise strict self-censorship when it comes to criticizing China—a dictator’s dream, if an exercise in self-serving cowardice.
An eye-opening look at the behind-the-scenes sway China holds over so much of the U.S. economy.