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Rhyme Time

by Iza Trapani & illustrated by Iza Trapani

Pub Date: July 1st, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-58089-206-3
Publisher: Charlesbridge

Trapani continues her trademark extensions of beloved nursery tales and songs with this latest, a collection of 14 tongue tanglers. Beginning with the traditional Mother Goose stanzas, Trapani then goes on to add at least one more in the same rhyme and rhythm pattern, seamlessly continuing the story. Dr. Foster’s unfortunate trip to Gloucester ends this way: “Docter Foster, frazzled, flustered, / In a flutter flew. / The spill caused a chill, / And the doctor fell ill / With a fever and flu—achoo!” The stand-outs among the lesser-known rhymes include “Cackle, Cackle Mother Goose,” about a goose with only enough loose feathers to stuff half a pillow, and “Fiddle Dee Dee,” about the marriage of the fly to the bumblebee. A cast of five wonderfully expressive dogs, including the titular Rufus, act out the humorous rhymes. The illustrations are filled with details, including hidden pictures that readers can search for; a list is in the back. Trapani is a staple for young children—don’t miss this one. (Picture book. 3-6)