A wealth of funny new verse from a favorite poet. Prelutsky’s comic muse is at its best here – whether describing a homemade robot gone berserk (“…it ate the dust pan/and attacked us with the broom, /it pulled apart our pillows, /it disheveled both our beds…”) or a whimsical trip to yesterday (“I’m moving very fast/as I’m putting off the future/for the rather recent past…”), he uses unexpected, vivid words in infectiously rhythmic cadences. Amusing details abound – in a long list of the many fish a boy is not catching, or in a tall-tale adventure “that’s the reason why my homework/isn’t here with me today.” Many of the entries end with a nifty surprise or a deft comical twist. Stevenson, who also illustrated Prelutsky’s The New Kid on the Block (1984), contributes quietly hilarious b&w art. Another winner from this talented pair. (Poetry. 5+)