A beguiling invitation to the diverse, fantastical realms of dragons. The front endpapers show a tiny hatchling emerging from one cool-hued egg of many, beginning the magical tour. No matter the setting—from sky to sea, fairy-tale land to urban landscape, sunflower field to stark arctic and desert places—humans everywhere each have a special dragon that may “ride to the secret music of the wind” or “keeps one eye on the door to be sure no monsters creep into…dreams.” The final double-page spread encourages readers to “[t]ell me about your dragon.” When the last page is turned, the back endpapers provide enticing glimpses of a multitude of dragons hatching, prompting the imagination to take over. Morris’s deft hand with watercolors expertly conjures an inky sky, fiery warmth radiating from a lamp and icily harsh climes while still capturing the striking details of sharp talons, delicate wings and snaggle-toothed faces. Together with the brief verses, the images will appeal to all who love to make believe. (Picture book. 3-6)