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by Jade Adia

Pub Date: March 7th, 2023
ISBN: 978-1-368-08432-1
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

Three friends concoct an elaborate ruse to spare their beloved neighborhood from the crushing effects of gentrification in Adia’s politically charged debut.

Change is creeping across Rhea, Malachi, and Zeke’s South Los Angeles community. Mom-and-pop shops are closing their doors, rising rents and evictions are pushing people out of their homes, and a growing influx of overpriced, mostly White-owned businesses are altering the landscape. When Zeke’s apartment building becomes the latest battleground, thanks to a planned 60% rent increase, the tightknit group of 15-year-olds decides to act by playing into White fears of Black and Latine folks like them. The plan: whip up rumors of a fake gang named SOSI taking over the block to scare away any would-be gentrifiers. Soon enough, the trio’s efforts to promote the gang through social media pay off. Then the death of Zeke’s landlord is pinned on SOSI, and the fabricated scheme has serious unintended consequences. Meanwhile, a couple of new kids—Marley and Lou—move into the bougie side of the neighborhood, ingratiating themselves into the friends’ lives and threatening to alter their tightknit relationships. Equally strong in its magnetic messiness and potent candor, the novel plunges into discussions of youth activism, capitalism-fueled displacement, and racism’s myriad forms with fierce vision and conviction. A robust cast of characters diverse across various dimensions gives voice to contemporary perspectives on community-oriented social justice and performative wokeness. Though it loses steam near the end, this one’s a much-needed read.

Plain terrific.

(Fiction. 13-18)