Tick, Paul and Sophia were brought together to solve a set of clues that led them into other dimensions in The Journal of Curious Letters (2008), the first installment in this intriguing series. They’ve spent the summer relaxing with building anticipation for their next call to action. It isn’t long in coming. A message from Master George tells them to meet in the woods for transportation to headquarters and their next assignment. They’re whisked away into another reality…but was it Master George who did the whisking? The Realities are crumbling around the edges, and it is up to the trio to save the day. They race across surrealistic landscapes drawn from an imagination that crosses Salvador Dalí with Baum’s Land of Oz. Readers will be as puzzled as the characters, who tumble from one complex and outrageous situation to the next, rescued from each at the last minute—sometimes with no explanation. But it all holds together remarkably well, encouraging suspension of disbelief to make way for glorious flights of imagination. (Fantasy. 10 & up)