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An inclusive and deeply detailed overview of the investing world.

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A wide-ranging guide to the paradoxes of investing.

In these pages, Lee seeks to advise readers on all the variables of investing in the modern market, “understanding where to invest, what to buy, and when to pull the trigger.” He intends his book to function as a kind of Rosetta Stone for investing terminology and thinking. In part, it acts as a primer on the ideas and concepts of investment basics, naturally centering around spotting trends and accurately gauging potentials. Lee concisely and insightfully looks into some specific trends, from the boom in renewable energies and the resultant growing need for better energy-storage technology to the so-called “gray boom” that encompasses ideologies and technologies connected with the fact that people are living, and working, far longer than they were a century ago. Lee guides readers through all the various mathematical and financial concepts of the investing world, using charts and graphs and quick, digestible segments to explain balance sheets, earnings statements, and valuation metrics, among other elements, and delve into their hidden layers. He demystifies concepts such as valuation for beginners and breaks down the interplay of subjective elements that drive prices and general trends. The sections of Lee’s book that speculate on future possibilities are absorbing, as they start with current tech before verging into science-fictional notions that could become reality in the near future; whether he’s writing about smart materials, solid-state batteries, smart technology, cryptocurrency, or automation and artificial intelligence, Lee breaks down the basics in clear, intriguing, and always readable language. The sheer amount of detail that Lee uses in analyzing trendlines is bracing, and even readers who are already familiar with the world he describes will pick things up from this book.

An inclusive and deeply detailed overview of the investing world.

Pub Date: April 9, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-09834-122-0

Page Count: 364

Publisher: BookBaby

Review Posted Online: Feb. 25, 2021

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Perhaps not magic but appealing nonetheless.

Want to get ahead in business? Consult a dictionary.

By Wharton School professor Berger’s account, much of the art of persuasion lies in the art of choosing the right word. Want to jump ahead of others waiting in line to use a photocopy machine, even if they’re grizzled New Yorkers? Throw a because into the equation (“Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine, because I’m in a rush?”), and you’re likely to get your way. Want someone to do your copying for you? Then change your verbs to nouns: not “Can you help me?” but “Can you be a helper?” As Berger notes, there’s a subtle psychological shift at play when a person becomes not a mere instrument in helping but instead acquires an identity as a helper. It’s the little things, one supposes, and the author offers some interesting strategies that eager readers will want to try out. Instead of alienating a listener with the omniscient should, as in “You should do this,” try could instead: “Well, you could…” induces all concerned “to recognize that there might be other possibilities.” Berger’s counsel that one should use abstractions contradicts his admonition to use concrete language, and it doesn’t help matters to say that each is appropriate to a particular situation, while grammarians will wince at his suggestion that a nerve-calming exercise to “try talking to yourself in the third person (‘You can do it!’)” in fact invokes the second person. Still, there are plenty of useful insights, particularly for students of advertising and public speaking. It’s intriguing to note that appeals to God are less effective in securing a loan than a simple affirmative such as “I pay all bills…on time”), and it’s helpful to keep in mind that “the right words used at the right time can have immense power.”

Perhaps not magic but appealing nonetheless.

Pub Date: March 7, 2023

ISBN: 9780063204935

Page Count: 256

Publisher: Harper Business

Review Posted Online: March 23, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 2023

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More uncommonly sensible investment guidance from a master of the game. Drawing on his experience at Fidelity's Magellan Fund, a high- profile vehicle he quit at age 46 in 1990 after a spectacularly successful 13-year tenure as managing director, Lynch (One Up on Wall Street, 1988) makes a strong case for common stocks over bonds, CDs, or other forms of debt. In breezy, anecdotal fashion, the author also encourages individuals to go it alone in the market rather than to bank on money managers whose performance seldom justifies their generous compensation. With the caveat that there's as much art as science to picking issues with upside potential, Lynch commends legwork and observation. ``Spending more time at the mall,'' he argues, invariably is a better way to unearth appreciation candidates than relying on technical, timing, or other costly divining services prized by professionals. The author provides detailed briefings on how he researches industries, special situations, and mutual funds. Particularly instructive are his candid discussions of where he went wrong as well as right in his search for undervalued securities. Throughout the genial text, Lynch offers wry, on-target advisories under the rubric of ``Peter's Principles.'' Commenting on the profits that have accrued to those acquiring shares in enterprises privatized by the British government, he notes: ``Whatever the Queen is selling, buy it.'' In praise of corporate parsimony, the author suggests that, ``all else being equal, invest in the company with the fewest photos in the annual report.'' Another bull's-eye for a consummate pro, with appeal for market veterans and rookies alike. (Charts and tabular material— not seen.)

Pub Date: March 1, 1993

ISBN: 0-671-75915-9

Page Count: 320

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Jan. 1, 1993

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