In this third offering, the three-eyed titular hero and his Super Backpack team with a gang of young aliens to fulfill the prophecy of one unusual dream.
The intensely pink and untiringly goofy Glorkian Warrior awakens after a doozy of a dream in which he's bedeviled by clingy children, headpieces he can’t get off, and a giant flapping mustache. Of course, after such an experience he needs coffee, which is so welcome that he deems his coffee his new talking friend (it’s really Backpack conversing behind him). The warrior, his backpack, and his coffee are then joined by a group of candy-colored child creatures who aspire to be warriors and who will help him defeat—with sheer silliness as their only weapon—his next enemy: the lime-green, headpiece-adorned, self-described Space God, Quackaboodle. After working together, the children are transformed by a visit from the Glorkian SuperGrandma, and the Warrior's long-standing sidekick, Gonk, finds himself changed and mustachioed. Bright and very busy panels take readers through a roller-coaster ride of guffaws, gaffes, and giggles; silliness reigns supreme, and sense is conspicuously absent. Kochalka’s oddly wonderful—and very offbeat—bubble-gum–psychedelic, madcap adventures may not be for everyone, but they certainly are creatively unparalleled.
Every volume seems to ratchet up the wackiness; readers can only guess—but most likely without success—where subsequent volumes will take them.
(Graphic fantasy. 6-10)