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Curtis LeMay, the Firebombing of Tokyo, and the Road to the Atomic Bomb

by James M. Scott

Pub Date: Sept. 6th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-324-00299-4
Publisher: Norton

Thorough study of the B-29 raids over Japan that underscores the debate over precision bombing versus firebombing at the end of World War II.

In this excellent follow-up to Rampage and Target Tokyo, Scott evenhandedly examines the controversy surrounding the firebombing of Japanese cities and offers a sympathetic rendering of the devastating effects of those bombings on the civilian population. At the core of the narrative is the development of the B-29 Superfortress, a massive, expensive new bomber championed by Gen. Henry “Hap” Arnold in his advocacy for the independence of the Air Force. By late 1944, ready for action, the new bombers were assigned to the Pacific theater in an operation overseen by Gen. Haywood Hansell Jr., “one of the few leaders who still preached the idea of humane [daylight precision] bombing.” As the American public clamored for an end to the war, top-level military officials made the decision to increase the use of incendiary bombs in order to break the morale of the Japanese civilian population, force surrender, and avoid a costly invasion. In the early weeks of 1945, Hansell was replaced by ace pilot and operator Curtis LeMay, who immediately instigated the firebombing system, which involved flying low at night and carpeting dense urban areas with waves of incendiaries, killing thousands. “Targeting homes was the key to societal breakdown,” the generals concluded. Scott writes that LeMay’s March bombing of Tokyo represented a “tremendous moral shift for the United States, which until this moment had opposed the intentional killing of civilians.” This paved the way for the destruction of dozens of other Japanese cities, and after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the death toll reached 330,000, an estimate that was “likely low.” Scott alternates his page-turning account of the air operations with devastating on-the-ground eyewitness reports of survivors, providing a kaleidoscopic portrait of both sides in a cataclysmic conflict.

A top-shelf World War II history told with meticulous research and considerable heart.