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CHAMELEONS by James Martin


Dragons in the Trees

by James Martin & photographed by Art Wolfe

Pub Date: Oct. 1st, 1991
ISBN: 0-517-58388-7
Publisher: Crown

Dramatic full-color photos and a brief but lucid text provide an inviting introduction to some of the 100 species of true chameleons that inhabit Africa, Madagascar, Asia, and the Mediterranean coast of Europe. Vivid green, red, and black backgrounds enhance the jewel-like aqua, orange, and green colors of these ancient, often endangered reptiles. Close-ups show the specialized fused toes that help the chameleon grip, the spectacular sticky forked tongue (often longer than the animal's body), and the eyes that rotate separately in order to help locate food and avoid enemies. Martin includes information on life cycles and habits, and makes a strong plea for protecting habitats. Unfortunately, scientific names and the size and location of species are omitted. Still, a feast for the eye and the imagination. Index. (Nonfiction. 6+)