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AUTHORITY by Jamie Krakover


From the Tracker Sequence series, volume 2

by Jamie Krakover illustrated by Jennifer Stolzer

Pub Date: Aug. 20th, 2024
ISBN: 9781958051528
Publisher: Snowy Wings Publishing

The second installment of this dystopian science fiction series, which is set somewhere near the border of Illinois, opens six months after the end of Tracker220 (2020).

Sixteen-year-old Kaya Weiss and her technologically savvy friends successfully thwarted Rufus Scurry, the mastermind behind Global Tracking Systems, in his bid for world domination through mind control and the manipulation of implanted chip technology. But even though Scurry is currently imprisoned, suspicions arise that dormant trackers are being reactivated for sinister purposes. The team must unite once again to confront this new threat. While the storyline may tread familiar ground in the genre, readers will enjoy the intriguing coding and logic challenges, the group’s romantic dynamics, and the heart-pounding chase sequences involving flying motorbikes. A refreshingly intimate portrayal of Kaya’s observant Jewish family also offers a novel perspective rarely captured in speculative fiction. The pacing occasionally falters, however, and conflicts are prolonged by simple miscommunications, leading to exaggerated and overly fraught interpersonal drama. Krakover explores ethical dilemmas associated with scientific advancement as Kaya grapples with the potential benefits of trackers, such as crime prevention and health monitoring, juxtaposed with their potential for abuse of power and invasion of privacy. The clever use of a journal entry penned by Kaya with hand-drawn illustrations as a device to organically fill in details for new readers makes the book accessible as a stand-alone title.

High stakes ensure an engaging experience for readers.

(Dystopian. 13-17)