Brett sets the familiar story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in the Arctic, replacing Goldilocks with Aloo-ki, an Inuit girl who stumbles upon the snow bears’ igloo while hunting for her lost dog team. After Aloo-ki samples three bowls of soup, three pairs of boots and three sleeping places, she falls asleep in Baby Bear’s cozy bed. When the igloo’s occupants return, a surprised Aloo-ki scrambles out of bed and past the bears to discover that they have found and rescued her dogs. Brett presents the Goldilocks story in simple prose, altering it only slightly to accommodate the Arctic setting. The stunning watercolor-and-gouache illustrations, however, provide the sense of place that the words do not. Brett creates a strikingly beautiful blue-and-gray–toned world of ice populated with thickly furred creatures and accented with Inuit motifs. The intricately detailed, multi-paneled spreads depict the snow bears rescuing Aloo-ki’s dogs while Aloo-ki explores their igloo. Children and adults alike will pore over each page, relishing the richness of Brett’s artwork. (Picture book. 5-9)