Pat’s dystopian novel examines gender identity, environmentalism, and sexuality on an island enclave in the year 2111.
Set mainly on an island off the coast of what used to be Maine, the narrative begins in a post-Collapse world struggling to survive nuclear fallout, environmental disintegration, and worldwide economic failure. In this future world of chaos and lawlessness, Riddles Island (which is child-free and mostly technology-free) offers increasingly rare amenities to its inhabitants—peace and security. The small, self-sufficient populace are all nonbinary (and use the pronouns mer instead of her/him, e instead of he/she, and others), with most couples being polyamorous. The harmony, however, is maintained in large part through pharmaceuticals. The Ridlets, as they are called, take D2—a cocktail of drugs that regulates hormones, dampens emotions, and supposedly keeps the residents “healthy and alert.” But when a raggedy pirate named Jed lands on the island and meets the nonbinary couple Rory and Dylan, he connects sexually with Rory and talks mer into quitting a daily dose of D2. Jed, who travels as far away as Brazil with his crew, visits Rory infrequently after that initial tryst. With each visit, he finds mer not only more feminine, but also more lucid (not to mention more open to lifestyles outside the strictly regulated confines of the island) after quitting the D2. When Rory discovers that e is pregnant, mer utopian existence suddenly looks much different. The characters here are vividly drawn (even secondary characters are memorable), the worldbuilding is nuanced and convincing, and its examination of gender identity and gender roles in society makes this novel hard to put down. Add to that a post-apocalyptic backdrop that adroitly explores climate change and global food security, and many readers will find their worldviews challenged, even expanded, after living vicariously through Rory and mer adventures on and off the island.
This visionary glimpse into humankind’s potential future is an absolute must-read for fans of post-apocalyptic fiction.