A wee bruin extols, in sly Goldilocks fashion, the virtues of the various sized chairs in his house. With longing, the little bear describes the perks that go along with being able to fit into the larger seats, from big bears who get to stay up late—without naps—to medium-sized bears who can bound around on their “middling” proportioned furniture with great ease. While Yolen’s jaunty tale taps into the universal desire of all tots to grow up quickly, she concludes on a winsome note, gently encouraging little ones to savor being just their size. Snug within the safe harbor of Papa’s lap at the end of the day, little bear lays claim to the best chair in the house. Yolen’s verses swing along in an easy, playful rhythm that is perfectly suited for read-aloud sessions with small or large groups. Sweet’s mixed-media-and-watercolor collages continue the whimsical theme of the tale. Her renderings of the bear family home, cluttered with toys and homemade drawings taped to the walls, will be readily recognizable to young readers. A cozy and comforting send-off to slumber. (Picture book. 3-6)