A picture book about a child who looks upward, higher and higher, to take in God’s creations.
A boy sits in his crib, looking up at a mobile. He then begins to see the many things that God has created, starting with his loving parents. Looking higher, he sees a variety of vibrant trees—oak, maple, and evergreen—and then several birds, including sparrows, robins, and hummingbirds. The child’s eyes then take to the heavens, discovering clouds, storms, and the sun, moon, and stars. Finally, the child is taught that God made him, as well: “That is why I know that God loves me!” The book ends with Psalm 139:13-14, which reads, in part, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Debut author Keller makes sure that the discoveries’ progression flows naturally, and he specifies different types of trees and birds in a way that’s both captivating and educational. The repeating Christian message of “God made…” drives the book’s point home but, surprisingly, never comes off as preachy. Also, it effectively affirms the child’s (and reader’s) worth as icing on the cake. Debut illustrator Brandes’ brilliant drawings and vivid, illustrated borders do justice to the beauty of what they portray.
Flowing text and outstanding images work together to teach a vital Christian message.