On the heels of Charles F. Levinthal's sturdy but sluggish study of endorphins (Messengers of Paradise, p. 263) comes this...



On the heels of Charles F. Levinthal's sturdy but sluggish study of endorphins (Messengers of Paradise, p. 263) comes this exciting chronicle from science-writer (Omni, Playboy) Goldberg of the ferocious international competition between research teams in the 1970's to first isolate those wondrous brain-produced opiates that may hold the key to schizophrenia, drug-addiction, social bonding, and creativity itself. Where Levinthal lectures, Goldberg dramatizes, eschewing the former's tedious prefatory material on exo-body opiates (opium, heroin, etc.) and brain chemistry to plunge right into the personalities and pressures of the race to discover endorphins. As his protagonist--if not quite hero--Goldberg selects bristly, Aberdeen-based British neurologist John Hughes, 30 years old in 1973 and a monument to old-fashioned research: he obtained samples of ""Substance X"" by personally beheading pigs in slaughterhouses and grinding up the brains. Competing with Hughes and his team were several others, better equipped: most notably, that of Solomon Synder and Candace Pert--D.C.-based scientists who won the first leg of the race by pinpointing the brain's opiate receptors--and of Avram Goldstein, whose elegant research paved the way for the Pert/Snyder breakthrough. Goldberg details the conflicting egos, the round-the-clock lab sessions, the underhanded means (one scientist was criminally prosecuted for tests he performed on humans without US government consent), and the high stakes (riches and prestige: Pert's failure to win the Lasker Award turned her into a cause cÉlèbre for women's rights in science). Hughes' team identified an endorphin in late 1975: but that triumph only set off a new race for endorphin-exploitation that continues, dominated by major drug-company interests, to this day. A grippling blend of human drama and science lore, Goldberg's close-focus tale of these modern-day Fausts is a must for science-lovers--and a top bet for others curious about life behind laboratory doors.

Pub Date: May 1, 1988


Page Count: -

Publisher: Bantam

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 1988

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