The award-winning science writer dives into the mysterious world of owls.
Following The Genius of Birds and The Bird Way, Ackerman turns her attention to owls, which continue to captivate and inspire us—even though there is much we have yet to learn about these majestic creatures. Owls, she writes, are “powerful symbols” in many cultures, frequently depicted in literature and art. “Owls are hard to study in the wild for some of the same reasons we love them,” writes the author. “They’re quiet, wary, secretive, and often elusive.” Ackerman shares recent discoveries by researchers using new tools and technologies as well as her personal observations from the field. For example, scientists once thought owls did not scavenge, but “camera traps have caught owls helping themselves vulturelike to carrion of all kinds.” While owls are aggressive defenders of their young, the extent to which they protect their nests is impressive. Researchers have observed great horned owls throwing themselves to the ground, feigning an injury known as a “broken wing display” in order to distract would-be predators. In studying owl communication, scientists have found that some “owlets begin vocalizing in the egg, even before they hatch.” Given that owls are primarily nocturnal, observing their migratory patterns has also proved challenging. However, high-tech tracking devices have allowed us to follow the owls for vast distances, yielding surprising insights. “Perhaps strangest of all,” writes Ackerman, “some Snowy Owls actually move north in the winter.” Ackerman also discusses the dangers owls are facing due to natural disasters and human activity, including wildfires, logging, and the widespread use of rodenticides. This book, like Ackerman’s others, is well written and researched, and the author offers sound advice from experts regarding what individuals can do to help save owls.
Fascinating food for thought for owl seekers and sure to please any lover of immersive treks into the lives of birds.