With one loosed arrow, Isabelle finds herself fleeing the only life she has ever known to search for the one person who can help her and save her mother.
Isabelle knows little of life outside the priory of Kirklees. Up until now, her life as the daughter of the prioress, Marien, has been relatively quiet. But in defense of her village she shot a soldier, and now she needs the help of a man she has never met: her father, Robin Hood. Each step on Isabelle’s path to Sherwood Forest reveals to readers a bit more of her history, painting a clearer picture of where she came from and what she is up against. Thanks to old grudges and politics, she was born with a target on her back, and all she can do now is to put on a brave front, as her mother always advises her, and find a way to save them all. But donning the Lincoln greens of the Merry Men won’t fix everything. With a strong and appealing female lead and the younger generation of Merry Men at the center of this novel, readers will be engaged and excited by this new look at a familiar story. The quick pace, daring rescues, and, of course, plenty of archery will keep the pages turning. All characters are cued as English or Scottish and white.
An exciting read from beginning to end.
(Adventure. 14-17)