Following series opener The Moon Platoon (2017), aliens are temporarily defeated, but Benny Love and the rest of the gang still need to rescue their kidnapped leader, expose a global conspiracy, and figure out how to keep the aliens from taking Earth for themselves.
Unfortunately for Benny and his friends, not everyone is interested in finding a peaceful solution. Lunar Taj founder Elijah West’s plan was to leave Earth to fend for itself, while his former research partner favored a more violent confrontation. But Benny and his friends know the aliens are not mindless warmongers but rather a civilization in need of a new home. Thankfully each of the members of the Moon Platoon has special skills and attributes. Hot Dog is an ace flyer. Jasmine has impeccable integrity. Drue is endlessly enthusiastic, and Ramona is a computer whiz. While Spanish-speaking Benny’s home is the American Southwest, members of the Moon Platoon come from all over the world. Fun, fast-paced, and filled with excellent inventions like space motorcycles and sentient holographic beings, this is sure to please sci-fi buffs. But the deeper questions of war and peace and how to lead are what will stay with readers far beyond the last page.
Otherworldly adventure that satisfies.
(Science fiction. 9-12)