With spirit, energy and a puckish sense of humor, George weaves the “East o’ the Sun and West o’ the Moon” tale into a novel-length saga. The ninth child of an impoverished family, the Pika (girl) or Lass—for her mother will not even name her—grows into her gift of understanding the speech of animals under the tutelage and affection of her oldest brother Hans Peter. He has come from seafaring and is sad and wounded in his soul. When a white bear offers material comfort to the family in exchange for a year of the Lass’s company, she accepts, although Hans Peter warns her off. She goes with her companion wolf Rollo to live with the bear in a palace of ice, served by gargoyles, fauns and selkies. A man sleeps in the Lass’s bed each night but does not speak or touch her. Like Psyche, the Lass cannot resist trying to see him by candlelight and lo, he is the bear. The troll princess who has enchanted him takes him “east of the son and west of the moon.” The Lass rescues her own bear prince, and her brother and his love and reveals her own name in a rousing and happy ending. Rich in Norwegian lore and perfectly delicious to read. (Fiction/fairytale. 10-14)