A wartime female police constable confronts misdeeds both in and out of the nick.
Only a national emergency like the Great War could allow a parson’s daughter from Wiltshire to become a police constable in the bustling port city of Hull. But Billie Harkness hopes that her success at her job will open the door for other women to pursue careers in police work. Of course, not all her colleagues feel the same way, and getting groped by loutish Constable Drummond while making tea in the station’s kitchen rattles her confidence. Still, Sgt. Skelton doesn’t hesitate to team her up with Special Constable Peter Upton and send the pair out to investigate a murder. And Upton isn’t afraid to let her take the lead in questioning witnesses. Billie’s perceptiveness is impressive, and she shows real ingenuity in getting folks to spill the tea. The biggest treat for readers, however, is seeing the busy industrial city of Hull through her eyes. Country-bred Billie isn’t naïve, but she’s capable of finding excitement in a tram ride. Whether she’s walking the pavement, finding the shortcuts known only to city natives, or enjoying the luxury of a coach ride, she uses her keen powers of observation to express her sense of wonder at her new world. She also cracks the case, earning well-deserved admiration from her partner and her canny sergeant.
A worthy follow-up to Ellicott’s series debut.