In a fantasy world with a rigid hierarchy, a young, winged girl yearns to soar to greater heights.
In this series opener, winged people live in Clandoms, divided along avian lines and further bifurcated into high and low types. Ellidee Meadows is a Sparrow, one of the low clans whose members are farmers, and an orphan since her parents were killed by a gargol, one of a species of fearsome stone creatures who hide behind clouds. Ellie dreams of becoming a Goldwing, the Clandoms’ elite defenders. There has never been a Sparrow Goldwing before, but Ellie believes that if she works hard and stays true, she has a real chance to compete in the Race of Ascension and earn a spot as an initiate. Her plans take a turn when she meets Nox, a Crow; Twig, a boy with Mockingbird and Crane parents (and therefore a stigmatized piebald); and Gussie, a Falcon. The three steal a mysterious stone and soon find themselves on a thrilling adventure through lands where no one is what they seem. Each has faced some sort of discrimination within their divided kingdom, and their stories should resonate with a wide spectrum of readers. Khoury’s worldbuilding is gripping and complex, tethering her adroitly rendered tale to today’s most important issues, including racism, classism, privilege, and systemic oppression. Expect high demand for the next installment. Ellie, Nox, and Twig seem to be White by default; Gussie has brown skin.
(map, clan information) (Fantasy. 8-12)