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by Jillian Roberts ; illustrated by Andrea Armstrong

Pub Date: Feb. 11th, 2025
ISBN: 9781459839311
Publisher: Orca

What does it mean to be a good pal?

Roberts’ book offers a greatest hits of friendship advice, starting with the golden rule of amity: Be the friend you want to have. Eight more principles follow: Think of others, not just yourself. Be patient and kind. Do the right thing, and help others to do that, too. Make room in your friend group for newcomers. Share, and invite others to play. Don’t name-call, tease, or bully—and protect others from such behaviors. Remember to compromise. Don’t interrupt, and show respect for others’ boundaries. Each rule is followed by a brief scenario (two kids want the same swing; a child notices a new student alone at lunch), a possible resolution, and, when relevant, a question posed to the audience: If there is no one right solution, what would you do? When the fix is obvious, the author expands on the advice. Roberts also addresses the importance of fairness, small gestures, getting adult help with bullies, taking turns, and giving friends space. The situations are relatable, while the writing is direct, not overly pedantic, and suitably engaging for a young audience. Appealing cartoonish watercolorlike illustrations depict a cast diverse in terms of race and ability; one child wears a hijab.

Valuable guidance on becoming a better friend, with solid insights and concrete examples.

(author’s note, activities) (Informational picture book. 3-6)