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by Jim SpurlinoLaura Mancuso illustrated by Jenna Guidi

Pub Date: May 4th, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-64-543671-3
Publisher: Mascot Books

Mermaids and humans decide to clean up the ocean in this picture book.

White mermaids Sara, Alix, and Lucy are disturbed that trash accumulates in their beloved undersea home. A sharp, plastic bottle injures their fish friend Fin, and Sally, a seal, almost eats a plastic bag. Sara nearly chokes “on an old fishing lure” while swimming to shore, where she meets Beth, a medium-brown-skinned, dark-haired girl, who explains that she and her friends are cleaning up the coast. Sara proposes that the mermaids “grab the garbage from the sea” and take it to Beth and her crew to “dispose of it properly.” The mermaids sweep for trash and help animals “entangled in debris.” A week later, they offer the crew “over one hundred bins.” The mermaids and the crew plan to continue their efforts. Lucy concludes: “Together, we can create a solution. Our planet should be free from this endless pollution.” Delivering friendly characters and relatable examples, Mancuso’s tale addresses the dangers of ocean pollution in an accessible way. The mermaids’ and crew’s dedication here will inspire youngsters to take action. Guidi’s charming, colorful illustrations supplement the text nicely. They include lovely elements like calm seas and undersea depictions of sweet-looking animals and pleasant characters with large, expressive eyes. The images feature striking scenarios, as when a mermaid frees a fish trapped in plastic rings. Signs on the beach boast slogans like “POLLUTED WATER H2-OH NO.”

An entertaining and effective aquatic tale that emphasizes the importance of environmental efforts.