A spirited attack on white Christian nationalism.
In an occasionally vitriolic work, Wallis, founder of Sojourners magazine and author of America’s Original Sin and On God’s Side, espouses a politically progressive view of scripture and of the role of the Christian church in society. In the past couple of decades, he argues, the white American church has fallen prey to ill-intentioned conservative political forces, which seek to privatize faith as a relationship between the believer and God. In contrast, the author believes that Christian faith is incomplete without deep civic and social engagement, a belief that many progressive Christians share. Wallis devotes the core of the book to “six basic and iconic biblical texts,” which he uses as springboards for discussions of political and social issues. For instance, scripture stating that humans are formed in the image of God opens a chapter on voting rights, and scripture stating, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God,” opens a chapter about police violence, gun use, and related problems. This is less a work of theology than of politics and current events. Wallis frequently attacks Donald Trump and his followers, arguing that democracy, and especially a multiracial democracy, is at stake in 2024. He is adamant that his writing is a call to action, both political and social, and warns that another Trump presidency will mean fascism. His hope is to awaken a “remnant church” among white Americans, in which “faith and justice will be inseparable”—and which will be “characterized by the pillars of repentance, return, and restoration.” Though Wallis invites others to dialogue concerning these matters, he won’t win many new converts. However, Christians who are devoted to social justice will find important moments of insight.
A timely message, though Wallis is preaching to the choir.