The little elephant last seen in another familiar trial (Bernard Goes to School, 2001) has his life changed once again, this time in a big way. Bernard is anxious for the birth of—he is sure—his brother Max, whom—he is sure—won’t spit up or cry. Lo, Mama comes home with a baby brother and twin baby girls. Each and every one cries and spits up and, for goodness sakes, makes stinky. Bernard retreats. Then Mama and Papa offer words of consolation: the babies will grow up and quit all this baby nonsense, and that there will always be time for Bernard and room in Mama’s lap. All right, says Bernard, who observes, “They’re cute when they sleep.” It’s nothing new, but those who enjoy Bernard will sympathize with this easy squeeze-of-the-hand for the youngest with new-sibling jitters, reinforced by the idyllic settings and touches of exotica delivered by Catalano’s pastels. (Picture book. 2-5)