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ROGUE SPY by Joanna Bourne Kirkus Star


by Joanna Bourne

Pub Date: Nov. 4th, 2014
ISBN: 978-0-425-26082-1
Publisher: Berkley Sensation

When two former double agents who trained together as children risk everything to help each other, falling in love becomes the most dangerous move in a deadly spy master’s game.

Pax and Cami knew each other as Vérité and Devoir when they were children in France during the Revolution, trained to infiltrate British intelligence. Ten years later, they are both successfully ensconced in vulnerable positions, but neither has ever acted against England. Instead, Pax has become a valued member of a spy ring, while Cami has lived as the niece of the country’s best codebreakers and created one of their most impenetrable codes. Since their brutal French tutors ultimately fell to the guillotine, no one in France is alive to remember their horrid mission, and Pax and Cami have lived in peace, loyal to England. But someone has learned about Cami’s duplicity, and the true niece of her adopted aunts is apparently alive. While the easy path would be to disappear into a new life, Cami is honor-bound to try to save the girl and let the aunts know she exists. Trying to gain information from the blackmailer who wants her code, she runs into Pax, who is stunned to realize his childhood friend is in England. He knows his first allegiance is to her, above any loyalty to his friends or the king. Digging to find answers, they must come clean about their pasts to each other—even before they met in France, since their family connections will add even more complexity to an already dense and treacherous situation—and to his friends and superior, then stay two steps ahead of their shared enemy to stay alive and fight for their future. 

Another win for Bourne: smart, exquisite writing, an intricate plot and breathtaking romance.