A troubled doctor becomes embroiled in a terrorist conspiracy in Purpura’s debut thriller.
In 2024, Vince DeLuca is a skilled obstetric surgeon in Santa Barbara, California, but he’s a depressed, alcoholic, and solitary person in his personal life. When his patient Jackie Carter needs emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, she confesses, in her fentanyl stupor, that her pregnancy was the result of an extramarital affair with a man named Salaam. Vince also finds out that she and her lover are part of a plan to acquire missiles to attack the United States as revenge for the Iraq War. The doctor, who lost his betrothed, Helen, in the 9/11 terror attacks, feels compelled to act, and he brings this information to the FBI. Soon, Special Agent Carolyn Talbot arrives to work with Vince to uncover more information on Jackie and her role in the conspiracy, and an instant attraction sparks between her and the surgeon. Later, Vince finds himself the target of jihadis, and further secrets are revealed as he willingly becomes an informant for both the FBI and CIA. As he helps uncover connections to Jackie’s husband, a military contractor named Brent, he narrowly escapes death himself. Purpura, who’s an obstetrician and gynecologist, has created a sympathetic narrator in Vince, whose dour, piteous characterization believably motivates several rash decisions even as his work as a physician remains pristine. The book’s plot loses its momentum at times as it tries to balance Vince’s personal life with the somewhat far-fetched terrorism plot. Also, although Jackie is important early on, she remains out of the picture for most of the book, as the middle third focuses more on Carolyn and Vince’s relationship. The way that Purpura draws on his medical knowledge in compelling ways and his writing about Vince’s grieving process can be poignant, as when the protagonist wrestles with a new relationship: “I want to watch her think, hear her sarcasm, her innuendos, her confidence—I want all of her. Next to me. Woven inside me.”
A spy tale that works best as a character study of grief.