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by John Cochran

Pub Date: June 18th, 2024
ISBN: 9781523527298
Publisher: Algonquin

As seventh grade winds down in North Carolina, Reese Buck is eager to spend the summer drawing and playing basketball.

A week before school ends, however, he finds his father unresponsive from an opioid overdose. This wasn’t the first incident, and it drives Reese’s mother to move the two of them into a trailer on the property of her church friends, the Smiths. Reese struggles with leaving his father, fearing for his safety, and he hides the truth from close friends Tony and Ryan out of shame. As Reese gradually lets go of his anger, he embraces life on the Smith family farm. He befriends the Smiths’ grandchildren, Meg and Charlie (who has Down syndrome), and the kids enjoy canoeing, swimming, and caring for Charlie’s cats. Reese builds a new, stable life but feels guilty about enjoying himself in his father’s absence. Although his parents start repairing their relationship, an incident on Reese’s 13th birthday disrupts everything, leading Reese to begin questioning whether his father will ever be well or if he even wants to be. Debut author Cochran delivers a sensitive narrative that captures the complex guilt of self-care among those with addicted loved ones. Meg and Charlie are original characters whose emotional backstories enhance the story; the subplot involving Tony and Ryan could have been developed further but instead feels forgotten. Most characters are cued white

A simple and powerful tale about the impact of parental addiction.

(author’s note, resources) (Fiction. 10-14)