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DRAGON POEMS by John Foster


edited by John Foster & illustrated by Corky Paul

Pub Date: April 9th, 1992
ISBN: 0-19-276096-3
Publisher: Oxford Univ.

Many of these 23 poems are new, with a sprinkling from popular contemporaries like Jack Prelutsky, Lilian Moore, and X. J. Kennedy; the point of view is largely British, and what could be more appropriate for St. George's traditional antagonist? Whether the subject is a Doctor De Soto-style vet braving fiery jaws in a flame-proof suit, a ``very tame'' pet dragon that ``only eats a few'' of the children queued up to pat him, or a ghostly green emanation curled up in a castle courtyard, invisible to all but the young narrator, the mood here is light. Paul's illustrations have Tony Ross's wicked ebullience, with witty modern allusions, gruesome details, and the endearingly fierce protagonists limned in fine, energetic lines and artfully added color that recalls Henrik Drescher. A book with uproarious visual appeal, well matched to the comical, rhythmic verse. (Poetry/Picture book. 5-11)