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DUCK, DUCK, GOOSE! by John Hare


by John Hare ; illustrated by John Hare

Pub Date: Sept. 17th, 2024
ISBN: 9780063093232
Publisher: Greenwillow Books

A zany tale inspired by the name of the popular children’s game.

Flying south, two ducks encounter a goose headed in the same direction. “Duck. Duck. Goose,” as the familiar refrain goes. But what’s this? A moose? Tootling along on a motorized scooter carried aloft on a parachute, this moose is “on the loose.” Then the gang soars over a train “caboose” far below. Thus flies this uproarious rhyming tale, comprised of the barest minimum of vocabulary. Almost all the words end in -uck (cluck, truck, stuck, muck, luck) and -oose (loose, vamoose), making this riotous book perfect for kids ready to spread their own wings as brand-new readers. Once children get the hang of the phonics, they’ll fly through this tale with plenty of giggles. Kids should be encouraged to volunteer other words that rhyme with the book’s dominant sounds. In addition to honing an appreciation for rhyme and helping to develop vocabulary, Hare introduces the concept of homophones when he uses the word duck not as a noun but as an imperative verb (in one hilarious scene, a duck riding on top of a truck fails to notice a low-hanging traffic signal). All ends happily when everyone arrives safely at their tropical destination. The comical artwork is a blend of hand-drawn pencil with digital color and accents.

A funny, high-flying exploration of sound words that’s perfect for plucky new readers ready to let loose.

(Picture book. 4-7)