Kid genius Frank Einstein's back for a second shocking (and silly) science adventure.
While his parents travel around the world, Frank stays with Grampa Al and conducts science investigations with his human friend Watson and his two robot buddies, smart, literal Klink and music-loving, hug-addicted Klank. While Watson tries to perfect his pea shooter, Frank and the robots learn about forces and energy, Newton and Tesla, and they invent a wireless electricity generator. This is a good thing, since evil, not-quite-as-much-of-a-kid-genius T. Edison and his sidekick, er, partner, Mr. Chimp, are buying up and destroying various types of power plants in order to create a monopoly for their hydroelectric dam. Can Frank and his pals stop Edison, or is Midville doomed to have its own energy crisis? Scieszka's second of six science-themed tales is more fact than fiction in the first half. The science-saturated storyline is buoyed by occasional jokes and a plethora of humorous two-color illustrations and diagrams by Biggs. Once the action begins, it doesn’t stop (except for the jokes). Amusing and informative aftermatter includes more science facts and recipes, poetry and experiments, as well as a guide to ASL’s manual alphabet (Mr. Chimp communicates with sign). Final art not seen.
There’s so much actual information here that the story could pass as a textbook, but science and Scieszka fans won't likely mind.
(Science fiction/humor. 8-10)