Both his connection to the earth and, to a lesser extent, his estrangement from the “European” world have a part in these poems written in the voice of a Central American boy. Tetl, also known as Jorge, speaks particularly fondly of what he has learned from his grandmother and of the customs, traced back to the Aztecs, that have passed down through his people: the way the four directions are embodied in the human being; the love of Mother Earth for her children; and the voices of the grandparents speaking through the stones of the earth. Essentially a celebration of the natural world and of the manners in which Tetl’s tribe celebrates, Argueta’s poems are rendered fluidly and vividly in both English and Spanish, each language rendering the sense of the other rather than a literal recasting. Pérez’s illustrations use rich pastel hues to present the shining of the sun, flames leaping, water flowing and plants and animals in their natural places. Argueta’s vision is one of a world in balance, one in which the only deep conflict is between the boy’s two heritages, which he must harmonize. (Poetry/bilingual. 7-12)