A child plans a Passover seder when a beloved neighbor, who usually hosts it, has a medical emergency.
Mia loves seders at Edie Rose’s apartment. Everyone in the building is invited, and Edie arranges things so the guests won’t have to bring anything. Mia enjoys making decorations and acting out parts of the Passover story. Edie, who has wrinkles and salt-and-pepper hair, tells Mia that when Moses led his people out of Egypt, they worked together. This year, though, Edie falls and injures her arm shortly before Passover and won’t be able to prepare the seder. Inspired by stories of Edie’s adventures around the world, Mia sets out on a journey of her own to make Edie’s seder happen after all. Edie and Mia’s sweet intergenerational friendship notwithstanding, astute readers may wonder why Edie usually insists on preparing everything herself while extolling the art of working together. Common Passover foods, such as macaroons and potato kugel, are referenced, as well as seder activities such as searching for the afikomen and reciting the Four Questions. In the stylized illustrations, Mia has light brown skin and curly hair, Edie is light-skinned, and the building’s residents are diverse. A brief paragraph describes the basics of Passover, but adults introducing the holiday to children may want to pair this tale with books that contain more extensive backmatter.
Friendship and community building are welcome themes in this Passover tale.
(Picture book. 4-9)