The titular towheaded robot hero returns with his Asian-American best friend, D.J., on another whirlwind adventure—this time to save their African-American friend Gina and, possibly, another world.
After thwarting a throng of villainous vegetables and banishing the wicked Razorwark, D.J. and Hilo must now figure out how to get their friend Gina back after she was pulled into another dimension. Drawing on Hilo’s vast robot intelligence to find the correct portal that should take them to her, Hilo and D.J. find themselves in the world of their magically gifted feline friend, Polly. After locating Gina, the trio vows to help Polly and her fellow anthropomorphic mammals defeat the Scale Tail Clan—a ruthless group of reptiles and amphibians who came to power with the help of a magical orb. (The Furbacks speak a vaguely country English dialect, while the Scale Tails have a tendency to omit articles and verbs.) During their adventures, Hilo's memory continues to return, including recollections of a sister; but does she still exist? This rousing third volume hasn't lost an iota of the vibrancy, humor, and momentum that’s propelled its predecessors. As the story evolves, Hilo's universe grows ever richer and more complex; readers are far from the humdrum world where a lonely D.J. sought to fit in, and the subsequent ride has been one of nonstop thrills and breathtaking imagination.
Continually fabulous
. (Graphic science fiction. 7-12)