The summer before college is one to remember.
Recent high school grad Wesley Hudson, 18 and gay, is home in Santa Monica after a few weeks in Italy with his parents, a noted chef and a successful YA author. Wesley now has the summer to work at an indie bookshop, hang out with his co-workers, and spend quality time with his best friends, caustic, proudly fat Ella and skater Nico, before entering UCLA. Or does he? Wesley’s not really sure about college, leaving his home-away-from-home job, and being hours away from Nico, on whom he also has a crush. When Ella discovers the bookstore might be closing, it’s up to the gang to save the day while Wesley pursues Nico (and is pursued by hunky Manu). Wesley is biracial with a white mom and light-skinned black dad; Ella is white, and Nico is Mexican American. The inclusion of a range of ethnicities and queer cultures enriches the novel; however, the identity of an aromantic asexual bookstore friend is mentioned without much development. One weakness is teen characters who reference Madonna, listen to music produced before the year 2000, and love Empire Records and Buffy the Vampire Slayer—in short, they feel like, and will appeal most to, Millennials. Fans of the friends-to-lovers trope will enjoy the amusing voice.
A sweet beach read for adults but may not be as popular with teens.
(Fiction. 14-adult)