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PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE, THANKS! by Julio Vincent Gambuto


How To Take Back Our Time, Attention, and Purpose in a World Designed To Bury Us in Bullshit

by Julio Vincent Gambuto

Pub Date: Aug. 8th, 2023
ISBN: 9781668009543
Publisher: Avid Reader Press

A filmmaker and producer maps out clear-cut methods to uncomplicate life, online and off.

The Covid-19 pandemic took a particularly devastating toll on Gambuto, as he struggled to find breathing room for six months while quarantining in his small Manhattan apartment. Furthermore, he was “tired of being tethered” to emails, auto-subscriptions, unfulfilling personal relationships, and compulsive purchases of unnecessary things. Building on his 2020 viral essay “Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting,” Gambuto seeks to help others declutter by investigating what has made levels of happiness and leisure time in America consistently plummet in the last few years. He cites relentless levels of commitments, agendas, voracious consumerism, and social treadmills as the main culprits, and he swiftly but informatively moves through the relentless mechanics of “click-up economics,” strategic branding, compulsive consumption, and the conundrum of corporations gaslighting a pandemic-weary public. As he emphasizes repeatedly, breaking free from these habits and hindrances takes steely determination. He offers a viable prescription of email unsubscribing, browser blocking, app downsizing, and embarking on a “digital detox,” and he also shows us how to renegotiate work or personal relationships. The author dispenses step-by-step instructions on how to effect change and distance oneself from automation and become resistant to the sly allure of advertising. Gambuto’s enthusiastic delivery and practical self-help tactics will remind readers that significant internal work is necessary to clear out the clutter, making room for beneficial relationships in real life and online. Witty and passionately written, the book shows that “there actually is time to process your life” once you eliminate seductive inbox offers, opt-in links, premium memberships, and toxic “people subscriptions.” It all starts with the “deeply gratifying” process of cutting the subscription cord and being wholly present for renewal with oneself and communion with others.

A potent slice of social commentary and strategic advice on reclaiming valuable time and personal joy.