In this much-anticipated sequel to Unbreakable (2013), Legion members seek to contain a demon unleashed on an unsuspecting world.
Kennedy Waters is guilt-ridden: With the help of Legion members, she assembled the Shift, a tool meant to defeat the demon Andras; instead, it freed him from his centurylong imprisonment to wreak havoc on Earth. Soon, the four Legion members (Alara, Priest, Lukas and Jared) realize that Kennedy’s unmarked—not their powerful fifth member. The team ends up relying uneasily on two Illuminati, members of a rival secret society, to help them recapture Andras. The demon’s leap into handsome Jared’s body complicates matters—extinguishing the demon now means killing Kennedy’s heartthrob. Garcia poses new questions (was Kennedy’s mother a top Illuminati agent?) to keep readers guessing and invents fresh terrors (Andras’ unnerving progress from body to body, his ability to mark and follow souls) that will chill even hard-core horror fans. Occasionally, the self-defeating tone of Kennedy’s inner dialogue sounds clichéd (she thinks of herself as “The girl who destroyed the world” and is certain she doesn’t “deserve” Jared). But readers captivated by the cinematic, vivid prose and enthralled by Garcia’s deft pacing and high-stakes plot are likely to speed past such moments as they figure out (along with Kennedy) her vital role in this unfolding paranormal drama.
Fans hungry for more Legion tales will be left waiting breathlessly for Garcia’s next installment.
(Paranormal romance. 12 & up)