Fascinating journey through Western civilization’s ongoing attempts to understand and explain the concept of God.
Celebrated religion scholar Armstrong (The Bible: A Biography, 2007, etc.) creates more than a history of religion; she effectively demonstrates how the West (broadly speaking) has grappled with the existence of deity and captured the concept in words, art and ideas. Beginning in the majestic caves of Lascaux, Armstrong explores how religion became a meaningful part of prehistoric societies, and the ways in which these societies passed down their practices and ideas in the earliest forms of art. The author then moves on to early monotheism and its rivals, offering a brilliant examination of ancient Greek views on religion and reason, which laid the groundwork for so much of Western thought. Looking at the early Christians and Diaspora-era Jews in tandem, Armstrong delves into Talmudic study and midrash, as well as Christian adaptations of theological concepts. Throughout the book, the author argues against religion as an abstraction, noting that it most truly exists in practice. “Faith…was a matter of practical insight and active commitment,” she writes. “It had little to do with abstract belief or theological conjecture.” Nevertheless, scholars have always attempted to define and “prove” God, and Armstrong admirably outlines the best of them through the centuries, including Origen, Anselm, Pascal and Tillich. Armstrong claims that the “warfare” between science and religion is a myth perpetuated by those with axes to grind. Likewise, the modern atheist movement, “death of God” theology and even fundamentalism arise from extremists who see religion as correct doctrine, not correct praxis. Though mostly focused on the West, Armstrong maintains a global perspective, masterfully weaving in her solid understanding of the world’s panoply of faiths.
Accessible, intriguing study of how we see God.