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INTO THE DYING LIGHT by Katy Rose Pool Kirkus Star


From the Age of Darkness series, volume 3

by Katy Rose Pool

Pub Date: Sept. 21st, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-250-21179-8
Publisher: Henry Holt

The conclusion to the Age of Darkness trilogy sees its protagonists facing their biggest challenge yet.

After Beru’s body is used to trap a fallen god, the Prophet Pallas uses her imprisoned sister, Ephyra, to ensure Beru’s cooperation and control over the god. Far away, Hassan plans a rescue mission to save Beru and defeat the god before he can break free and vanquish them. Jude stands by him, desperately hoping that Anton—the Last Prophet and the boy he has fallen in love with—is still alive. Meanwhile, Anton searches for a way to prevent the destruction of the world that doesn’t involve a sacrifice he and his friends are not willing to make. This little group, alongside their friends and allies, is all that stands in the way of complete devastation. This uplifting, character-driven volume takes the trilogy to new heights of adventure, tension, and conflict—then effectively wraps it all up with a satisfying bang. The protagonists, alongside their closest friends and romantic partners, are given fitting conclusions for their overarching storylines. Each plays an important role in saving the world from darkness while learning the meanings of choice, agency, and accountability within this story set in a diverse world that celebrates and affirms all kinds of love.

A successful ending to a brilliant trilogy about human hope and connection.

(Fantasy. 14-adult)