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THERE WILL COME A DARKNESS by Katy Rose Pool Kirkus Star


From the Age of Darkness series, volume 1

by Katy Rose Pool

Pub Date: Sept. 3rd, 2019
ISBN: 978-1-250-21175-0
Publisher: Henry Holt

“The Age of Darkness is almost upon us.”

One hundred years ago the Seven Prophets disappeared from the world, leaving one last secret prophecy predicting an Age of Darkness, the end of the Graced, the destruction of all civilization, and a Last Prophet who will know how to prevent it all. The Order of the Last Light has been lying in wait ever since for the harbingers to appear: The rise of the Deceiver (the Hierophant, a man bent on destroying the Graced) and the murders committed by the Pale Hand signal that the time has finally come. And then the Last Prophet is found. Five young people who share the narrative—a prince, a murderer, a dying sister, a warrior, and a gambler—have roles to play as the Last Prophecy unfolds and the world starts to change. This epic fantasy novel revels in rich worldbuilding, deftly plays with genre expectations, and thoughtfully examines the power dynamics between those born with abilities and those without as well as the friction between free will and prophecy. A cast of fully developed, flawed, and endearing characters whose actions are genuinely unpredictable are present and accounted for in a world full of brown and queer people in this story that continually walks the fine line between darkness and hope.

A well-crafted, surprising, and gripping start to a new trilogy

. (Fantasy. 14-adult)