A luminous memoir about growing up in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.
Born in 1983 (the “exact midway point” of the Troubles) in the border town of Derry, ní Dochartaigh was raised by a Protestant father and a Catholic mother. However, she writes, her family was “neither Protestant nor Catholic, and our parents had stayed together in a mixed marriage long enough to ensure that none of the essential parts of either of these camps could ever be instilled in us. At least not to the extent that we could claim either heritage.” Throughout, the author recounts memories of a childhood consumed by loss and violence. With raw emotion, she describes many of the harrowing experiences, including being driven out of their home when a bomb was thrown through the window, moving frequently to avoid threats, and the murder of a dear friend. The author also explores the unsettling feeling of limbo that the Brexit vote has caused to resurface. In her attempt to come to terms with the effects of her tumultuous childhood, ní Dochartaigh writes poetically about her search for “thin places…places that make us feel something larger than ourselves, as though we are held in a place between worlds, beyond experience.” Having left Ireland many years ago in an attempt to escape the pain, she describes the feeling of being called to return. “A call back to the land that made me, that wounded and broke me, the land that turned out to be the only place that held the power for me to heal,” she writes. “A call back to places that I know my grandfather sought out, and maybe his grandfather before him, too.” For the author, who has suffered from alcoholism, depression, and suicidal ideation, the wild places surrounding her hometown help release her anxieties and bring her unparalleled peace. They have become her thin places.
A beautifully written tribute to the healing power of nature.