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by Kevin Chong

Pub Date: April 18th, 2023
ISBN: 9781668005491
Publisher: Atria

A sexual abuse survivor tries to process his pain by fictionalizing it.

Benson Yu is famous for creating Iggy Samurai, a comic book featuring a teenage iguana who lives in Central Park and solves crimes alongside Coyote Sensei, a samurai master reincarnated as a coyote. Though the work is loosely autobiographical, Benson has never truly dealt with the traumas of his youth and, consequently, now struggles with depression, anxiety, and alcoholism. Then he receives a “noxious letter” from C., the karate teacher who molested him as a kid, seeking payment since he believes he inspired Coyote Sensei: “I swear, some of the things that character said came right out of my mouth.” The correspondence motivates Benson to try writing something new—a book set in 1980s Chinatown about a 12-year-old boy named Benny that’s “closer to domestic realism, if not, strictly speaking, nonfiction.” Benson claims his intention in undertaking the project is to “understand the gauntlet of misfortune and mistreatment that [he] underwent as a child,” thereby exorcising his demons; as with Iggy Samurai, however, Benson can’t seem to help but rewrite the past, fabricating an explanation for his villain’s viciousness that cracks the door for redemption. Benson’s efforts then stall before taking on a life of their own—literally. Part 1 of Chong’s novel unfolds in a present-tense voice, as though Benson is narrating Benny’s tale in real time, as it comes to him. The format holds the reader at a remove, complicating efforts to connect with the story or its characters. Part 2 is more successful, offering depth-conferring glimpses into the minds of both Benny and Benson, but the climax, while earned, proves less cathartic than disturbing.

Better in concept than execution.