Self-publishing advice for Canadian writers.
Staflund has spent a number of years as an author and a publishing employee, so she has firsthand experience with the exasperating limitations of the various Canadian publishing systems. It’s nearly impossible, she writes, to be accepted by traditional trade publishers, who often rely heavily on government grants and may not have the finances to provide certain kinds of marketing support. This creates a difficult environment for would-be authors, leaving them little choice but to publish themselves. However, Staflund points out, the quality of so-called “vanity presses” are dismal, since they are little more than overzealous printing services. After one disappointment too many, she decided to start her own publishing company, Polished Publishing Group. Drawing on her past experiences, she was able to home in on providing services that would guide authors through the overwhelming process of writing and publishing a book and also produce a more professional product. She uses 10 qualifying questions to help authors determine which type of publishing is right for them (including “Who is my target audience?” and “Do I value recognition?”). For those looking to commercially sell and earn profits from their books, she says supported self-publishing is the answer—which also happens to be Polished Publishing Group’s business model. Although this how-to book quickly turns into a marketing pitch, it does effectively outline the nuts and bolts of publishing, offer helpful writing tips and advice, and provide sales and marketing ideas, such as selling online and having bookstore readings. Overall, the book manages to provide solid, useful information and guidance on its subject.
A good source for writers of all experience levels seeking to publish quality books in Canada.