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A promising historical fantasy series debut that lacks resolution.

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A young circus performer struggles to understand his psychic abilities in Tait’s YA supernatural historical novel.

At 17 years old, Vandy Davidson (aka Vandemere Petruska) is the star trick rider in a traveling circus who feels a special bond with his horses; he’s even named after the horse that his great-grandparents brought from Europe when they first came to the United States. His mother, fortune-teller Bonnie Petruska, has “magie”—true psychic powers that she inherited from her Romanian ancestors and has passed on to Vandy (Del Davidson, a renowned horse trainer, abruptly left his wife and son when Vandy was only 12). The story opens with the circus stationed in a small town in dust-bowl Oklahoma in June 1939. Vandy, confident of winning because of his paranormal abilities, tries to grift a few dollars by betting three patrons on a card trick, despite feeling uneasy about one of the men. Unfortunately, that man turns out to be an off-duty cop who threatens to arrest Vandy for illegal gambling. Jimmy Custer, the owner of the circus and a mentor to Vandy, rescues him by making a deal with the police detective. And that’s just the beginning of Vandy’s troubles: Bonnie is seriously ill, and she and her boyfriend, Jake, who Vandy loathes, drink excessively; Vandy has a huge crush on Sylvia, a stunningly sexy, self-centered aerialist who ignores him (except to tease him or be mean); Jimmy’s fed up with him; he’s broke; and he experiences blackouts in which he has nightmarish visions of being pursued by a demon, which he can’t clearly remember after they end. He also suffers from extreme claustrophobia, sparked by a childhood incident. Worst of all, a little girl wanders unaccompanied into his horse’s stall; he returns her to her mother, but when she later goes missing, Vandy is named the prime suspect.

Despite some awkward passages, Tait’s writing pulls the reader into Vandy’s world with striking descriptions that vividly capture the settings, and introduces characters in a few deft strokes, making them lifelike and believable. (“I was a wind-blown tumbleweed caught in the guywires of life. I hadn’t grown much over the last few years, and at five-foot-seven, I looked about as threatening as a jackrabbit”). Vandy is sympathetic and relatable—at times naive, at others world-weary, filled with teen angst, impatient but also kind. The story is told from his point of view, and his voice is honest and self-aware, with a dose of snarky humor. There are several raunchy sexual references, including allegations of incest and abuse, that seem overly graphic for a YA audience. The story moves quickly, switching back and forth between Vandy’s childhood memories and present challenges. There are several competing plot threads in the narrative, and almost none are fully resolved. Vandy learns little about controlling his paranormal abilities, or about the meaning of his nightmarish visions. Although the novel is promising as a series debut, in the end it mostly feels like backstory. One hopes that Vandy’s true mission and quest, and the dangers he’ll have to face to fulfill them, will unfold in the next installment.

A promising historical fantasy series debut that lacks resolution.

Pub Date: Oct. 2, 2023


Page Count: 329

Publisher: manuscript

Review Posted Online: Sept. 23, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Nov. 1, 2023

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A descriptive and atmospheric paranormal social thriller that could be a bit tighter.

After a Nigerian British girl goes off to an exclusive boarding school that seems to prey on less-privileged students, she discovers there might be some truth behind an urban legend.

Ife Adebola joins the Urban Achievers scholarship program at pricey, high-pressure Nithercott School, arriving shortly after a student called Leon mysteriously disappeared. Gossip says he’s a victim of the glowing-eyed Changing Man who targets the lonely, leaving them changed. Ife doesn’t believe in the myth, but amid the stresses of Nithercott’s competitive, privileged, majority-white environment, where she is constantly reminded of her state school background, she does miss her friends and family. When Malika, a fellow Black scholarship student, disappears and then returns, acting strangely devoid of personality, Ife worries the Changing Man is real—and that she’s next. Ife joins forces with classmate Bijal and Benny, Leon’s younger brother, to uncover the truth about who the Changing Man is and what he wants. Culminating in a detailed, gory, and extended climactic battle, this verbose thriller tempts readers with a nefarious mystery involving racial and class-based violence but never quite lives up to its potential and peters out thematically by its explosive finale. However, this debut offers highly visually evocative and eerie descriptions of characters and events and will appeal to fans of creature horror, social commentary, and dark academia.

A descriptive and atmospheric paranormal social thriller that could be a bit tighter. (Thriller. 14-18)

Pub Date: Sept. 26, 2023

ISBN: 9781250868138

Page Count: 384

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

Review Posted Online: June 8, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 1, 2023

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A fresh, generous, wide-ranging compendium of frights.

Spooky stories covering multiple subgenres, plus some added attractions.

Few horrific tropes or creepy conventions are overlooked in Duplessie’s debut. The stories are arranged into six sections: “Short Frights for Dark Nights,” “Anatomical Anomalies,” “Five Minutes in the Future,” “Be Careful Who You Trust,” “The Dark Web,” and “The Unearthly, the Ghoulish, and the Downright Monstrous.” Some of the best entries are grounded in familiar setups, but Duplessie is careful to avoid repetition. The stories’ relatively short lengths and the crisp, direct writing style make this volume inviting for even reluctant readers, but it doesn’t shy away from the truly terrifying and grotesque. That said, the grisliest events are often described with poetic elegance rather than gratuitous violence: “His face collapsed like an empty paper bag.” The stories frequently conclude with the suggestion of frights to come rather than graphic depictions. One ends with an overly curious girl getting sealed up in a brick wall. Another foreshadows the murderous power of a cellphone. Highlights include the eerie “The Reaping,” in which the prick of a rose’s thorn triggers a spate of bloodlust, and “Chamber of Horrors,” which features a murderous iron maiden. Each story ends with a bonus in the form of a QR code and instructions to “scan the code for a scare”—if readers dare. Short, eerie poems are peppered throughout; there are even a handful of riddles. Most characters read white; names cue some ethnic diversity.

A fresh, generous, wide-ranging compendium of frights. (Horror. 13-18)

Pub Date: Oct. 10, 2023

ISBN: 9780063266483

Page Count: 224

Publisher: Clarion/HarperCollins

Review Posted Online: Aug. 11, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 1, 2023

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