A young woman takes a job working for a wealthy family with a deadly secret in Mayquist’s debut.
Lena is a medical school dropout who recently came home to Boston after having spent two years in Italy working with her Aunt Clare, an expert in plants and herbal medicine. Lena’s family is down on their luck after her father lost his job, so when she's called to a lavish brownstone in Back Bay for an interview to work as an assistant to the wealthy Verdeau family's personal physician, Dr. Prosenko, she’s desperate to get the job despite the family's oddities. Martin, the patriarch, runs the immense family company, while beautiful daughter Audrey flits in to set Lena’s heart racing, and sickly son Jonathan leans into a drinking habit despite his mysterious and debilitating illness. Horrified by Jonathan’s disregard for his own health and disgusted by the excesses of Martin’s wealth, Lena finds herself pushed over the edge by a lavish party at the family’s Berkshires estate where she witnesses the way Martin and his rich friends torment and toy with ordinary people. She decides that enough is enough. Using the knowledge of herbal medicines and poisons she learned from her aunt, Lena concocts a plan to teach Martin a lesson he won’t soon forget. It takes a few chapters for Mayquist to get the tone right, with much of Lena’s gothic-tinged narration feeling out of place in the modern setting. But once Lena’s plan starts taking shape, the plot accelerates along with it as well-deployed twists keep both Lena and the reader on their toes.
A shaky start but a propulsive plot.