After a hasty exodus from a sun-ravaged Earth, a girl finds herself on a beautiful, lush planet only to discover she’s still fighting the same old fight.
Jumping in where Burn Out (2014) left off, the novel finds gun-toting, smart-mouthed Tora Reynolds in a hospital bed, weak and dependent on medication. She is liberated from the hospital by her old gang, the Resistance, and reunited with James, whom she is still trying to forgive for shooting her back on Earth. Tora learns she’s been transported to Caelia, a verdant planet brimming with cool, potable water. However, the seeming peace of her surroundings is quickly shattered when she learns that her father's legacy—a cache of dangerous weapons—has also made it to Caelia, and both the oppressive Consulate and defectors from the Resistance are out to find her and the arsenal. Tora has lost most of the edge she had in the previous book; the once-sassy fighter has dissolved into a starry-eyed cream puff who thinks more about boys than finding the people who murdered her family. In contrast to the scorched, burning Earth, bland Caelia doesn't demand the same heart-pounding attention from readers. While the action is continuous, nothing much seems to happen until the last quarter of the novel, making for a frustrating experience.
A tepid, disappointing sequel
. (Science fiction. 13-18)