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From the The Devil Particle Series series , Vol. 2

A deliberately paced but gripping tale that boosts a remarkable SF series.

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This YA novel centers on a teenager who struggles with his new life—carrying the world’s evil inside his body.

Paul Salvage’s victory at a government-sanctioned competition means he’s now “the Vessel.” Scientists implant him with “devil particles” extracted from the three billion people on dystopian Earth. These particles are what lead humans to commit evil acts but, scientists theorize, someone “perfectly good” can safely hold them. Yet Paul fears he’s the wrong person for this gig, as he’s done something dreadful that a conk on the head had, for a time, made him forget. Now, he lives in a bedroom inside a lab while his body undergoes tortuous emotional and physical changes. When things start improving, including his newly heightened senses, Paul feels his distrust start to surge. Gaige Devlin, his dead brother’s best friend, may be getting cozy with Paul’s beloved, Jaelyn Bellamy (“What a creep. Honing in on my girlfriend while I’m risking my life to save the world”). In addition, President Stark Cicero, who somehow knows of Paul’s nefarious past deed, is spearheading the formation of a world government, surely with herself at the head. Although Earth has found peace, the evil inside Paul seems to be fighting for control. Oakley’s SF sequel takes a noticeable turn from its predecessor—a suspenseful competition makes way for inner turmoil. It’s a slow burn this time, as much of the action unfolds at a lab, and narrator Paul spends a lot of time in his ever-conflicted head. Still, this absorbing tale follows a protagonist who gets increasingly paranoid while any sympathy readers have for him (especially from the initial agony the devil particles cause) may gradually wane. The story is furthermore a subtle exploration of toxic masculinity, as Paul, who feels like a “caged animal” at the lab, seems intent on dominating others, be it the scientists or Jaelyn. The final act churns out several impressive shocks and ends on a cliffhanger that will leave readers yearning for the series’ third installment.

A deliberately paced but gripping tale that boosts a remarkable SF series.

Pub Date: N/A


Page Count: -

Publisher: N/A

Review Posted Online: Sept. 28, 2023

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From the Powerless Trilogy series , Vol. 1

A lackluster and sometimes disturbing mishmash of overused tropes.

The Plague has left a population divided between Elites and Ordinaries—those who have powers and those who don’t; now, an Ordinary teen fights for her life.

Paedyn Gray witnessed the king kill her father five years ago, and she’s been thieving and sleeping rough ever since, all while faking Psychic abilities. When she inadvertently saves the life of Prince Kai, she becomes embroiled in the Purging Trials, a competition to commemorate the sickness that killed most of the kingdom’s Ordinaries. Kai’s duties as the future Enforcer include eradicating any remaining Ordinaries, and these Trials are his chance to prove that he’s internalized his brutal training. But Kai can’t help but find Pae’s blue eyes, silver hair, and unabashed attitude enchanting. She likewise struggles to resist his stormy gray eyes, dark hair, and rakish behavior, even as they’re pitted against each other in the Trials and by the king himself. Scenes and concepts that are strongly reminiscent of the Hunger Games fall flat: They aren’t bolstered by the original’s heart or worldbuilding logic that would have justified a few extreme story elements. Illogical leaps and inconsistent characterizations abound, with lighthearted romantic interludes juxtaposed against genocide, child abuse, and sadism. These elements, which are not sufficiently addressed, combined with the use of ableist language, cannot be erased by any amount of romantic banter. Main characters are cued white; the supporting cast has some brown-skinned characters.

A lackluster and sometimes disturbing mishmash of overused tropes. (map) (Fantasy. 14-18)

Pub Date: Nov. 7, 2023

ISBN: 9798987380406

Page Count: 538

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: Sept. 9, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Oct. 1, 2023

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A heavy read about the harsh realities of tragedy and their effects on those left behind.

In this companion novel to 2013’s If He Had Been With Me, three characters tell their sides of the story.

Finn’s narrative starts three days before his death. He explores the progress of his unrequited love for best friend Autumn up until the day he finally expresses his feelings. Finn’s story ends with his tragic death, which leaves his close friends devastated, unmoored, and uncertain how to go on. Jack’s section follows, offering a heartbreaking look at what it’s like to live with grief. Jack works to overcome the anger he feels toward Sylvie, the girlfriend Finn was breaking up with when he died, and Autumn, the girl he was preparing to build his life around (but whom Jack believed wasn’t good enough for Finn). But when Jack sees how Autumn’s grief matches his own, it changes their understanding of one another. Autumn’s chapters trace her life without Finn as readers follow her struggles with mental health and balancing love and loss. Those who have read the earlier book will better connect with and feel for these characters, particularly since they’ll have a more well-rounded impression of Finn. The pain and anger is well written, and the novel highlights the most troublesome aspects of young adulthood: overconfidence sprinkled with heavy insecurities, fear-fueled decisions, bad communication, and brash judgments. Characters are cued white.

A heavy read about the harsh realities of tragedy and their effects on those left behind. (author’s note, content warning) (Fiction. 14-18)

Pub Date: Feb. 6, 2024

ISBN: 9781728276229

Page Count: 416

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Review Posted Online: Jan. 5, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 1, 2024

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