Welcome, a warm welcome, for this Collection of Short Works, viz. pleasures. Whether it's "Who Am I This Time," the little clerk in the hardware store who only comes alive on his local small town stage; or the schizzy inheritor of "The Foster Portfolio" (pushing close to a million dollars) who lives frugally (his mother) and has to work weekends (playing an obsessed piano in a joint—his father); or the well remembered (Sunday Times) review of the Random House "Dictionary"; or his storm window, bathroom enclosure salesman who appears in two pieces. Quite a few of these stories, including that of the title, are science fiction and full of someday surprises—the Ethical Birth Control pill which destroys the impulse at the source; or the euphoric gadget which supplies killowatts of happiness. There's the shattering "All the King's Horses," a ghastly game of human chess, and the nicest kind of sentiment in "The Kid Nobody Could Handle" and "Adam," All in all, a versatile, volatile talent—inventive, catchy, charming.